Wellcome letter

Hi to all of our followers! First of all I have to thank all of you for letting me take care of your health and lifestyle. Hopefully you have found some answers to your problems and are well on your way to a healthier you or hopefully you are already on a maintenance plan facing your relationship with food and the scale in a new amicable way. As I probably commented before, I am starting a new way of anonymous communication with all of you. There is a lot of information to be shared as well as a lot of experience and tips that can benefit most of us. As all of you know, I insist and always recommend to be part of a support group, one of the keys to success and one of the main pillars of Lifestyle Intervention for Weight Loss. You also know that I can not share individual information. This blog will be a way of having that. I invite you all to participate and post your experience without sharing any of your personal information. My second intention is to share as much medical/nutritional information as I can. The more educated you become the easier it will be to understand what you are going through.

Link: http://www.lifestylemedicinespecialists.com/

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Food additives

This posting is not meant to scare you or put you on the look out for every possible hidden additive in food, but just for you to pay attention to the list of foods that contain them, then link them to certain side effects. The list of foods this additives are on are mostly breads, ice cream, diet sodas, potato chips and some obscure side dish foods that come in a box. This explains in part, why, when you exclude this type of food items of your nutrition plan, you start feeling a lot better.
Please check the link: